Friday, February 13, 2009

Flowering cucumber plants

Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008

A catalpa flower (Catalpa sp, Bignoniaceae)

A catalpa flower (Catalpa sp, Bignoniaceae)

Large pink lotus and large white lotus are common in Cambodia. In the following photos I'll show you a full life-cycle from lotus bud to lotus seed of this large and most beautiful lotus flower.
Other lotus flowers have a slightly different anatomy and thus also a different life-cycle.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Crazy looking flower

Crazy looking flower


beetography's photo

Winter Berries

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Yellow, flower with bug around...

Orange lillies

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Robert Nyman
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Many people have commented that the trade stands at this year's shows have been every bit as good as some of the gardens themselves, and at Tatton I have to agree. Many of the gardens created outside some of the nursery stands were exquisite and beautifully done. trade_stand_display.jpgI was particularly impressed with the display outside Brooklands nursery stand, which featured a swathe of perennials in a range of pastel colours. It was just the thing to entice visitors into the stand to buy plants (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). I try to resist buying things, but I always like to take home something from the flower shows I work at, and in the end I chose a Dierama. I purchased a large plant from the plant societies marquee, which was accompanied by plenty of useful advice from the grower. Hopefully it will do well in a sunny free-draining spot I have in my new garden. I got at lot of attention as I walked back to our tent with it, I don't think I've had so many admiring glances in a long while. If you're ever at a flower show and want to get attract attention, forget waving a coloured umbrella and choose a large Dierama instead.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gardens of the god

Exotic flower

Exotic flower

Children are always very inventive and their imaginations know no boundaries especially when it comes to gardening. mad_hatter.jpgAs Joe Swift mentioned earlier, the Children's Quirky Container Competition was a great example of this. Schools across the Cheshire area have submitted an amazing range of interesting and unusual containers to be judged by visitors to the show. I had a look through and was really surprised by how good they were, from small scale exhibits like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, entered by Bexton Primary School, Knutsford to a large scale container made from a Piano. piano.jpgCreated by Park Royal School, Macclesfield, this was entitled Keys to Health and Happiness! (get it!) It looked spectacular although I can't help wondering what the music teacher thought? There is one container that I know will particularly appeal to my colleague Louise. St Anne's Fulshaw, Church of England School created a chest shaped container overflowing with bright nasturtiums and other bedding plants, entitledchest.jpg Ooh Arrgh Pirate's Treasure (She's from Cornwall you know). The RHS are very keen to encourage children to get into gardening and are actively campaigning for it to be added to the school curriculum, with young minds as inventive as this, it can only be a good thing. Also as part of the Tatton tenth anniversary celebrations Children under 15 get into the show free this year.

The Cheshire area of Nafas have created a gold medal winning display inside the Floral Design Marquee. It's inspired by Mondrian and Andy Goldsworthy. Pam Orton, one of the designers, explained flower_ring.jpg"We decided to call our exhibit Sculpture Park in celebration of the Cheshire Year of the Garden and the Cheshire Artists' Network's - Art in the Garden. After we had decided on a title we were able to look further for our inspiration." Further sources of inspiration come from Mondrian and Andy Goldsworthy. The result is a lively, vibrant arrangement. flower_ball.jpgAlso in the marquee The Welsh College of horticulture have certainly caused a stir! A stunning, floor to ceiling wall of flowers and coloured wire fills their display, a beautiful kaleidoscopic ball completes the exhibit, which is proving a great talking point for visitors.
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Lilys flowers plants

The poppy bloomed, but it was so heavy it broke the stem ... I had to prop it up to take photos :(


beetography's photo
Roraima mountain

Pink tulips, Ottawa Tulip Festival


atheana's photo

Asim Shah posted a photo:

the basket


pollen-flowers posted a photo

confetti cone, gorgeous decoration on chair with storm lanterns up the aisle - confetticoneonchair.jpg

Flowers - Flowers.jpg

Bright yellow flower

Bright yellow flower

Asim Shah posted a photo:


White flowers with blurred background

White flowers with blurred background


beetography's photo

pollen-flowers posted a photo

gorgeous bride Lanie who maried Neil on their very happy day - LanieNeil169.jpg

Pure brilliant white lotus - all inner lotus petals are brilliant clean white color.Each blossom about 15 cm in diameter.
Lotus ponds of Cambodia - Siem Reap.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos


atheana's photo

Robert Nyman
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flowers - flowers.jpg


beetography's photo

pollen-flowers posted a photo

our new mirror cube vases on mirror tiles - latestpicturesgallery074.jpg

Lupine at Quail Hollow Ranch, CA USA

Flower - purplerose.jpg

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008

Flowers - Flowers.jpg

Flowers - 3rose.gif

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008

Robert Nyman
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Like, flowers

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Lotus blossom in white with lotus pad as background.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos


pollen-flowers posted a photo

all the tables had great seaside names - 030-3.jpg

Robert Nyman
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Exotic flower

Exotic flower

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008

Flower - Moving_Optical_Fiber_Flowers.jpg


Yellow flower with background out of focus

Yellow flower with background out of focus

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